Articles tagged with: ECO Expo

【Panasonic Exhibits at Eco Asia Expo 2013】

Alcon Wednesday, 06 November 2013 2517 ECO Expo panasonic

Panasonic introduce its green concept - ECONAVI to public in Eco Expo Asia 2013 which held on 28-31 Oct 2013 at Asia World Expo . Alcon integrate the green and natural environment to the booth design. In the white garden booth, it demonstrate the rationale of this new ECO- technology as well as displaying the new product series - ECONAVI.

Panasonic松下電器於2013102831在亞洲國際博覽館舉行的國際環保博覽 2013上介紹其新綠色概念 - ECONAVI 智慧節能。我們將綠悠悠的自然感覺融入展覽攤位的設計中,貫徹出其產品的天然與環保概念。在這清新設計的小白屋內,會解構ECONAVI 智慧節能系列的原理之餘,亦會介紹產品的特性和提供用途示範。