
Alcon 週四, 05 十二月 2013 2450

Australian family hanging 500,000 bulbs wins Christmas lighting throne

Christmas lights early has become a hot topic . In Europe, an Australian family has spent more than half-a-million bulbs and two months efforts preparing the lighting, which set a new world record for a Christmas lights display• Dave Richards (David Richards) from October to start an own apartment in Canberra suburb of Christmas lights installed .
聖誕燈飾越來越早在市面推出的情況已經成為人們熱議的話題。在歐美,一個澳大利亞家庭便花了兩個月時間努力凖備燈飾,更打破世界紀錄。戴維•理查茲(David Richards)一家從10月就開始在自己位於堪培拉市郊的寓所裝上聖誕燈飾。


So far, Richards one has to do with the 502,165 bulbs Christmas lights , Christmas lights in the houses of up to break the world record . In fact, in 2011 , Richards was also a decorated apartments with 331,038 light bulbs , but subsequently lost a decorative light bulbs to 346,283 families in New York .


It was reported that Richards family for preparing the lighting, we have spent a total length of 50 kilometers of wire , full payment of the purchase cost of lighting by themselves , in cooperation with the local power company to join the festivities , hoping to attract those who are interested to visit, and in order to raise money for children's charities .


However, do you know that how much electricity are probably consumed by this Christmas lights group with 502,165 bulbs?

The answer is that if a large lighting to illuminate the entire month-long basis, it takes about AU $2500 (about US$ 2,300) power.


Alcon 週五, 29 十一月 2013 2526

The focus project of "Winter Fest" this year is the Statue Square in Central, "Wishes on the Wind". Tourism Board exhibited three 15-meters-height giant dandelion lighting art installations.

Giant dandelion called "Wish" by American artist Robert James Buchholz design, the entire set of devices weighs 3.5 tons. About 3 giant dandelions have three flower balls, took the ball on a total of 70 by the 36,000 LED lights "seeds" and the stems are covered with glass mosaic, crystal clear sense of who's to another there are 18 "seeds" of about 1 meter square distribution in different places as a backdrop, symbolizing happiness and hope.


巨型蒲公英名為「Wish」,由美國藝術家Robert James Buchholz設計,整組裝置重達3.5噸。3棵約5層樓高的巨型蒲公英有3個花球,花球上共有70粒由3.6萬顆LED燈組成的「種子」,花莖則鋪滿玻璃片及馬賽克,予人晶瑩剔透之感,另有18粒約1米高的「種子」分佈在廣場不同的地方作為襯托,寓意幸福和希望。

【Luceplan最新燈飾系列發佈活動@ Armani Aqua】

Alcon 週三, 27 十一月 2013 2486 luceplan philips

Luceplan is a high-end lighting brand which made in Italy. To launch their new lighting series, it chooses a chic venue – Armani Aqua to held its press tour event. As the event designer of this project, Alcon makes use of the elegant style of the venue, and design some stylish lighting display stands for Luceplan. 
意大利時尚燈具Luceplan於同樣格調高雅的場地Armani Aqua舉行發佈會,展示最新燈飾系列。Alcon為是次活動設計場地及展示燈飾的舞台。


We use “Material” as the main theme of the lighting stand to set off the 4 main suspension lights : Deep Cement, Light Cement, Mable and Wood, which perfectly match the light features and style.

「Hope」series is also the focusing models of this lighting event. To outstand its extreme elegant feel, designer make use of the soft lighting effect, integrates the noble feel into a simple design.


Another focus is the compose light- Synapse. Pure white stand shows its colorful light with snow effect.
另一特色是可自由組合的燈飾- Synapse,純白色的燈座充分突顯Synapse色彩繽紛的雪花燈效。

【Philips 新概念發佈活動 - ”創新為你”】

Alcon 週三, 20 十一月 2013 2752

Philips announced their new brand line - "Innovation and you" to Hong Kong recently. To impress Philips team with "Innovation and you" spirit, Alcon takes part in dressing up Philips Building at Science Park with a brand new image. 

飛利浦最新於香港發佈新概念- ”創新為你”。 為配合其科技與健康愉快的美好生活概念,傲群為大埔科學園飛利浦大樓換上新裝。





【Panasonic 智慧節能 @ 國際環保博覽 2013】

Alcon 週三, 06 十一月 2013 2517 ECO Expo panasonic

Panasonic introduce its green concept - ECONAVI to public in Eco Expo Asia 2013 which held on 28-31 Oct 2013 at Asia World Expo . Alcon integrate the green and natural environment to the booth design. In the white garden booth, it demonstrate the rationale of this new ECO- technology as well as displaying the new product series - ECONAVI.

Panasonic松下電器於2013102831在亞洲國際博覽館舉行的國際環保博覽 2013上介紹其新綠色概念 - ECONAVI 智慧節能。我們將綠悠悠的自然感覺融入展覽攤位的設計中,貫徹出其產品的天然與環保概念。在這清新設計的小白屋內,會解構ECONAVI 智慧節能系列的原理之餘,亦會介紹產品的特性和提供用途示範。



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