Articles tagged with: opening

【「藝聚政府大樓2013-14」開幕典禮 @伊利沙伯體育館】

Alcon 週三, 12 三月 2014 3078 art ceremony event exhibition hkgov opening

Art@Government Buildings 2013-14is presented by the Home Affairs Bureau and organized by the Art Promotion Office of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. It is supported by the Home Affairs Department and Hong Kong Post with the Community Art Network as the programme coordinator. Through an open call for proposals, four local artists, namely Sze Wing-yee, Sim Chan, Wong Wai-yin and Wu Wai-chung, were selected to create public artworks for the project. Tailor-made public artworks, which different media have been used including sculpture, installation, painting, comics, video and multimedia, are being put on display from March 11 till March 31, 2015, at four government buildings, namely the General Post Office, the Queen Elizabeth Stadium, Hung Hom Community Hall and Sha Tin Town Hall. 

The project's opening ceremony at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium yesterday, the Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Mrs Betty Fung, said this year's project adopted a new approach by showcasing artworks at four government buildings which provide different services. 

Alcon team participate in the Art@Government Buildings 2013-14Opening Ceremony held yesterday at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium about organizing the production matters. It is really a great honor to us that being able to participate in and support this meaningful arts promotion activities! Let’s review the Ceremony Highlights!

Art@Government Buildingsinfo:
Entitled Art@Government Buildings, this large-scale public art project aims to create a fresh artistic environment for the buildings and offer visitors and users a new experience. Since its launch in 2010, this project has already introduced works of art to nine government buildings in the past two years.




#ArtatGovernmentBuildings#Art#artworks #Artists #OpeningCeremony#exhibition #QueenElizabethstadium #event #promotion #project #culture #hongkong #hk #gov #藝聚政府大樓 #藝術 #推廣 #活動
