Articles tagged with: pacificplace

【「光•影—意大利巴洛克藝術大師•卡拉瓦喬」展覽 - 《以馬忤斯的晚餐》真跡 @太古廣場】

Alcon 週三, 26 二月 2014 3461 art exhibition pacificplace painting

For the first time in Asia and for a strictly limited season, the Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong and the Asia Society Hong Kong Centre, with the generous support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, are proud to present Light and Shadows — Caravaggio • The Italian Baroque Master. The exhibition will be held from March 12 to April 13, 2014.

This special treasures exhibition preview and conference is now open (February 25, 2014, Tuesday) at Pacific Place. Alcon is proud to host this exhibition production issues! Before the authentic paintings arrive, public can admire the works by projection at preview period. This "Supper at Emmaus" (1605-1606) the world's first large-scale projection display, allowing viewers unprecedented new angle, full appreciation of the story Caravaggio revolutionized painting masterpieces of style and understanding behind.

Also on display are contemporary works by four Hong Kong artists — Chow Chun-fai, So Hing-keung, Tsang Kin-wah, and Wucius Wong — which showcase how techniques found in Caravaggio's paintings were adopted centuries later.

Supper at Emmausinformation:
A haunting Baroque masterpiece, Supper at Emmaus (1605-06) was painted during a dark period in the artist's life when he was exiled after committing an act of manslaughter. It depicts Jesus Christ revealing himself to his disciples following his resurrection, in the town of Emmaus. It is a portrait of a flawed humanity, vulnerable to sin and expresses the artist's desire for salvation offered by faith in Christ.

亞洲協會香港中心將由2014312日至413日舉行「光意大利巴洛克藝術大師卡拉瓦喬」展覽,焦點展品為《以馬忤斯的晚餐》(Supper at Emmaus)的真跡,這作品被視為史上最重要畫家之一的鉅作、世上最珍貴名畫之一。這次將是《以馬忤斯的晚餐》首次於亞洲展出,入場費全免。有賴香港賽馬會慈善基金慷慨贊助,意大利駐港領事館聯合策劃及主動促成此獨一無二名畫外借至香港的事宜。

此珍品展覽的發佈會及特別預覽將於即日起 (2014225星期二在金鐘太古廣場舉行Alcon 非常榮幸為此項展覽承辦製作事宜。市民可在名畫的真跡抵港前,欣賞作品的投射放影預覽。此乃《以馬忤斯的晚餐》(1605-1606)全球首次以大規模投射展出,讓觀眾以前所未有的新角度,全方位欣賞卡拉瓦喬革命性繪畫的風格和了解名作背後的故事。
展覽將同時展出周俊輝、蘇慶強、曾建華及王無邪四位香港當代藝術家的作品。此部份由展覽策展人暨香港中文大學教授韋一空博士 (Dr. Frank Vigneron)策劃,旨在反映卡拉瓦喬畫作的特色在數百年後如何在現代藝術品中流傳。


#LightandShadows #Supper at Emmaus #exhibition #art #painting #PacificPlace #Caravaggio #
光影#以馬忤斯的晚餐 #展覽 #藝術 #名畫 #太古廣場 #卡拉瓦喬



